Hey there,
Lately I have not found the words to write, but today triggered me. I saw a big man strolling around with a baby carriage and playing with his little boy making all sounds. The little guy bursted into laughther everytime his father did something to make him smile and lifted him high. Sunshine does a person good and I whondered: what does my future hold?
Lately I am asking that question multiple times, everytime to be remembered that the future is TODAY and not tomorrow. I believe people can change but that everybody has a certain set of characteristics (DNA, upbringing, you name it) which are instilled in a person. I will take myself as a example:
After taking some time to myself, I find myself having trouble letting go. This can be a person, cause or situation but when it does not sit right with me, I keep troubling myself with it. What I learned about this is that I always want the best for people and when something does not go how I see it can go then I get worried. I try to control the situation or force things to go my way. Even in my research that I am doing, situations do no always go as to my planning. What I take away from this is, is that when you start forcing something (especially creativity) you end up with the wrong results.
I believe that I have a promising future but I work for it everyday and try to enjoy my soon-to-be final days as a student. Even though this scares me a little at moments, I try to take it as it comes and enjoy every moment.
This is not a character flaw, even though it can come across, but a internal desire to bring out the best results and outcomes for everybody. This does not relate to my own personal well being but how I look at everybody around me and see where I can lend a hand or even a few words. Yes, I do screw up and can not be everywhere but a few sincere kinds words go a long way.
Each year I watch this video: Life Lessons by Madea and I am reminded about the fact to take a close look at the people around me. I can honestly say that I do not have many friends, but I have a few roots and I place my trust in them. To stay positive towards them, to share my thoughts whatever they may be and encourage them to follow their dreams.
As doing so I am reminded that I need to do the same by keep moving on and just Breathe...
This song always lends a hand and makes me smile: Sam Cooke