After such hard work, my research is online and I need everybody to pitch in, however the survey, blog and the short clip up ahead are in Dutch though!.
Everybody who is on Facebook, makes pictures, loves to meet people and collaborate: have a look @
Personal Branding on is an online (working) environment and is for everybody who wants to join. ties in with the concept of, which facilitates meetings offline. The MINDZ Ecosystem is the social glue holding together the organization, independent professionals and both online and offline meetings. The MINDZ Ecosystem is an online (working) environment. As an individual or a group, one can perform their personal branding there, but first and foremost: it enables a person to organize and connect based on mutual interests and passions.
For the blog concerning my graduation project:
At the bottom you can find the links which guides you to the right survey ;)
All the best and thank you!

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