Who are you?
I am Stefanos Karakasis, both Dutch as much as I am Greek. I will post in Dutch and English (for my Dutch readers, sorry but there is more to come!) I love helping other people out as much as I love doing nice things, such as: finishing my Master in Marketing Management, beating my twin brother in Fifa2011 on his PS3, watch maffia movies and having a good time with friends and family. Currently I am working on several things and there are several ''shifts'' going on in my life. This entry is more personal since I will start telling my story and what is keeping me busy as well as my focus for this year and the years to come.
What can I read which is authentic?
I will write about current undertakings in personal development as articles, movies and other content which relates to Social Business*, Co-creation and other exciting news and my perspective on what is going on. If it is out there, it will find its way here if it is cool enough. I love lifestyle and fashion, Blackberry is always with me (most of the times to make pictures), working on business concepts, improve my writing skills and read up on anything that has to do with Marketing and mobile technology.
Current focus
I am finishing up my Master in Marketing at the Rotterdam School of Management, where I became interested in consumer behaviour and social networking, especially social contagion. Social contagion (Iyengar et al., 2011) relates to the interpersonal influences people exert on eachother and how this Word of Mouth (WOM) affects new product adoption or behavourial changes.
This interest became the main topic for my thesis, which respectfully is being conducted at two major organizations in Holland. I am looking at the social side of ''knowledge sharing'' on Social Networking Platforms which are active, and build, within organizations. This takes me through a whole lot of interesting data, books, articles and gives me the opportunity to meet lots of interesting and inspiring people.
Next to this ''project'', there are several other things that keep me busy and goals for the future, but for now: i will upload a picture and will start unpacking my new Moleskine and go for a walk for some new inspiration!
* I will use the concept of 'social business' as a term for Knowledge Based Working, Social Media principles and Sustainable Enterpreneurship.

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