Today I watched a clip of Seth Goding telling a bunch of people at a conference how he felt about blogging. The intrinsic move someone makes to make his or her voice be heard. Next to that, Seth points out that nobody will read your stuff but as he makes clear, it is NOT about the 'numbers'. Even though I check my statistics sometimes, I try to keep away from that since from that point on I only want the numbers to go up. This blog is what I believe it needs to be at any point in time.
I did not write that much lately and I felt that something was missing. I watched a Tony Robbins video of one of his Ted Talks (don't mind the galant pose) and I stopped watching at his 3 decisions of Destiny. This particular segment (surfaces after 8 minutes) is about Focus. I am writing this today because I am turning 26 very shortly and want to create a little mental roadmap/stimulans for myself to carve out my road to Fulfillment.